Sleep On It: The key to a frugal life

  • Defeat impulse purchases
  • Keep track of your shopping list and wish list
  • Review and compare products to make informed decisions
  • Get notifications when items are eligible to check out
  • Keep track of your savings
  • shopping cart
  • product review summary
  • item properties
  • product properties
  • total savings


Shopping Cart

Manage the items you are planning to buy in the short term.

Product Review

Compare the products and find the best match for your needs

Wish List

Bookmark the items you want to buy in the future


Get notifications when the waiting period is over


See how much you saved by sleeping on it and deciding not to buy

Frequently Asked Questions

How many items I can add to my cart?

The default size of the cart is 5. You can increase this by visiting the Settings section. The maximum value you can set is 10.

What if I need to add more items when cart is full?

You can use wish list to add items to your backlog. You can still take notes and compare products but before you purchase you have to move it the cart and sleep on it!

I saw a really good deal. Can't I just skip the waiting period?

The way we see it is paying less money for something you don't need is not a good deal after all! The point of most deals is to create an urgency and rush you into buying stuff before you realize you don't need them. Sleep On It is an opiniated tool in that sense and it doesn't support deals.

What is the shortest waiting period?

The minimum waiting period is 3 days. This is a hard-limit and cannot be changed. We'd' advise to keep as long as you can to have time to research and review products

Why can't I add more than 10 items?

The purpose of the app is to make smart and informed decisions and control the impulse buys. That's why you should try to focus on fewer items and spend the waiting period to review products. If you were able to add infinite items to your shopping cart and start their waiting periods all at once you wouldn't be able to control your budget, priorities and take the time to research the products.

More questions?

Get in touch

Story behind the app

I have a drawer full of gadgets that I bought at one point in time with hopes and dreams of magnificent projects and never even touched! Some time ago I started a simple spreadsheet to help myself with the impulse buys. The idea was before I bought something I had to put it to that spreadsheet and it had to wait at least 7 days before I allowed myself to buy it. After 7 days strange things started to happen: In most cases I realised I had lost appetite for that shiny new thing that I once thought was a definite must-have! I kept at listing all the stuff but quickly it started to become hard to wield by just a spreadsheet.

The idea behind the app is to automate and beautify that process a little bit.

I hope you find it useful and enjoyable to use.

Volkan Paksoy


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